Proximity Sensor Finder does what it says – it helps you locate the proximity sensor on your Android device. It is a very simple, purpose-built app with no flashy . Can anyone explain me whats the use case of proximity sensor.
What if my phone’s approximity sensor stop working or get damaged. Aller à Using the Proximity Sensor – The proximity sensor lets you determine how far away an object is from a device. Does anyone know how to disable the proximity sensor on a razr maxx hd. My screen goes black as soon as I make a call, nothing I do will turn .
Proximity sensor on causing short time to unlock. Proximity Sensor during calls does not work! Ajouté par Electronics UpdatesA proximity sensor is a sensor able to detect the presence of nearby objects. I want to use proximity sensor in my project.
There are multiple tutorials for Proximity Sensor on android. I dropped my phone and looks like my proximity sensor no longer. Basically use an app called Proximity Screen Off . Android phones equipped with a proximity sensor disable the screen when you hold the phone close to your face while you are on a call. Continue reading “Proximity sensor android”