Text decoration underline size

There is the proposed text-underline-position property in CSS but it seems. The text-decoration property adds an underline, overline, line-through, or a combination of lines.

So Doc, I want the underline to be there unless you hover over, then it disappears. This defines the line width for underline, overline, or line-through of text decorations. Note: In CSSyou can use the text-decoration-color property to change the color of the.

Ive had most success with text decoration underline but when i use this i cant manipulate the thickness or colour. But what if you’re giving it too much breathing room and want to adjust the height of that underline. Aller à Text Underline Position: the text-underline-position property – Text Underline Position: the.

To create space for the custom underline graphic below the link text,. Just because there is a text-decoration property doesn’t mean that styling an underline . Aller à Text Underline Position: the ‘ text-underline-position ‘ property – Name: text-underline-. You can’t set the thickness of text-decoration: underline. Instead use border-bottospan style=border-botto5px solid black;Underlined .

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